Arteta does not want a title clash with his ‘friend’

January 25, 2023

Arsenal coach Mikel Arteta would prefer not to compete with Pep Guardiola‘s Manchester City for the Premier League title.

Arsenal will play City in the fourth round of the FA Cup on Friday, pitting Arteta against his friend and former coach. The pair are both vying for the Premier League title, but Arteta insists that the high stakes of the competition will not affect their friendship.

“It’s an unusual sensation. I genuinely want the best for him, but when dealing with someone like this, something gets in the way “At a press conference, he stated.

“I’d always hoped that [Arsenal challenging City for trophies] would happen one day, and it’s finally happening this season. That will not change our friendship, the moments we share, how important he is in my life and in my profession. We’ve always been willing to win and defend our clubs in any way, and that hasn’t changed. To be fair, I’d rather do it with someone else.”

Arteta worked as Guardiola’s assistant for three years before leaving the Premier League to become Arsenal’s manager in 2019. His team is now five points clear of City at the top of the table and has only lost once this season.

When Arteta’s team meets City this week, they will try to advance to the next round of the FA Cup. Following that, they will face Everton in the Premier League on February 4.