Manchester Utd to terminate Roanldo’s contract

November 18, 2022

Manchester Utd officials are reportedly considering ways to terminate Ronaldo’s contract following his explosive interview.

The Debate Continues

The GOAT is not happy to stay at Manchester United.
Man Utd are looking to terminate Ronaldo’s contract

Manchester Utd intend to terminate the contract with Cristiano Ronaldo. These issue has been on highlight since the recent interview video has published. Cristiano had an interview with Piers Morgan of TalkTV. In the interveiw, Ronaldo accused United of abandoning him and attempting to force him out of the club.

Manchester Utd have not set a timeline for the process. But it is believed that they want Ronaldo’s departure to be as “clean and speedy” and dignified as possible, according to Sky Sports News.

Ronaldo stated in the 90-minute interview that he had no respect for boss Erik ten Hag.

He stated to Morgan: “I dislike him because he does not respect me. If you don’t respect me, I’ll never respect you.”

The 37-year-old also claimed that the United manager “provoked” him. The Portugal captain, also said that the Glazer family, do not have the club’s best interests at heart.

“The Glazers don’t give a damn about the club. Manchester United, as you know, is a marketing club “he stated. He added ‘They didn’t believe me.’

He claimed that when he told two top people at Old Trafford that his daughter Bella was unwell with bronchitis three months after her twin brother died, they treated him with mistrust.

“I spoke with Man United’s director and president, and they didn’t believe anything was wrong, which made me feel awful,” Ronaldo stated.

“I will never, ever risk my family’s health as a result of a football. Never. It is something that has truly hurt me because they doubt my words, whether they are now or ten years ago.”

The controversy continues.......
The controversy continues

Ronaldo, a five-time Ballon d’Or winner, has stated that the team has made “zero development” since Sir Alex Ferguson retired in 2013. The attacker has had a difficult time since rejoining the club last summer and has battled to find playing time this season.

He was left on the bench against Manchester City despite being 4-0 down, and in a match against Tottenham. At last, he refused to come in as a replacement and rushed down the tunnel before full-time.

Statement from Manchester United officials

Manchester United's official has given the final statement about the action for the Portuguese forward.
The Officials of Manchester United has given statement about Ronaldo

“Manchester United has this morning taken appropriate procedures in reaction to Cristiano Ronaldo’s recent media interview,” Manchester United said in a brief statement on Friday.

“We will not make any more comments until this process is completed.”

The club also claimed that they club will not pay him the remaining £16 million on his contract.