Fake Tansactions? If Ronaldo’s secret deal is revealed, Juventus needs a fake transaction, according to their lawyer.”
Juventus lawyer asked: ‘Need fake transaction if Ronaldo’s secret deal is revealed’
Fake Transactions?
An intercepted phone call between Juventus lawyer Cesare Gabasio and general manager Federico Cherubini was revealed by La Stampa. In that call, they discussed the need to make a ‘fake transaction’ if the secret Cristiano Ronaldo deal was revealed.
According to the report, Gabasio, Juventus’ Chief Legal Officer, called Cherubini to discuss the secret agreement with Ronaldo. In the agreement Bianconeri agreed to pay Cristiano under the table despite claiming that wages were frozen during the early stages of the COVID pandemic.
“Ronaldo’s secret deal shouldn’t have been revealed because if it is, they’ll jump down our throats, all over the auditors and everything,” Gabasio said over the phone to Cherubini. Then we’ll need to stage a phony transaction.”