Alexandre Lacazette and Corentin Tolisso to leave Lyon?

November 22, 2023

Alexandre Lacazette and Corentin Tolisso likely to leave the club in 2024.

Alexandre Lacazette and Corentin Tolisso to leave Lyon?

According to RMC Sport journalist Edward Jay, Olympique Lyonnais captains Alexandre Lacazette and Corentin Tolisso could leave the club during the January transfer window.

Will their captains perish if the OL ship sinks? Perhaps not, according to RMC Sport. Last season, only Kylian Mbappé scored more than Lacazette. The French forward excelled on his return to Ligue 1 and helped his formative club to a mid-table finish, but he has not been as prolific this season.

Les Gones’ captain has only three goals in eight games this season, and he didn’t even play in the club’s lone victory, which came just before the international break against Stade Rennais. Despite their victory, Lyon remain in relegation trouble. Could two of their most experienced players leave during the battle?

Lacazette and Tolisso could leave, according to RMC Sport. Saudi Arabia and American franchises are interested in the former, while foreign clubs are interested in the latter. According to the French publication, the couple could either stay and try to right the ship or leave as it sinks.