European Super League verdict is a huge setback for FIFA & UEFA

December 21, 2023

European Super League (ESL) | In its case against FIFA and UEFA, the EU Court of Justice ruled in favor of the Super League.

European Super League verdict is a huge setback for FIFA and UEFA

As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, ten teams, including six from the Premier League, have announced plans to form a new division in order to secure their financial future.

However, all of the English clubs, including Manchester City, Liverpool, Arsenal, Manchester United, Tottenham Hotspur, and Chelsea, as well as AC Milan, quickly withdrew, while Real Madrid, Barcelona, and Juventus remained committed to the contractually agreed-upon plans.

FIFA and UEFA both threatened sanctions in an effort to protect their respective competitions, but the case was eventually taken to the EU Court of Justice, led by A22 Sports.

This was presented to a panel of 15 judges with the goal of preventing the two major governing bodies from imposing sanctions if a ESL is formed.

On Thursday morning, it was ruled that any attempt to ban Real, Barcelona and Juventus from the likes of their domestic leagues – La Liga and Serie A – and tournament such as the Champions League would be ‘unlawful’.

In a statement, it said: “The FIFA and UEFA rules making any interclub football project subject to their prior approval, such as the Super League, and prohibiting players from playing in those competitions, are unlawful.”

European Super League project gets huge boost after court of justice ruling

Furthermore, it ruled: “However, Fifa and Uefa’s powers are not subject to any such criteria.” As a result, Fifa and Uefa are abusing their dominant position.

“In addition, given their arbitrary nature, their rules on approval, control, and sanctions must be considered unjustified restrictions on the freedom to provide services.”

“This implies that approval is not necessary for a competition such as the Super League project. In its decision, the Court makes no decision on that specific project.”

Following the verdict in their favor, A22 Sports CEO Bernd Reichart declared that football had now become “free,” with the aforementioned three clubs expected to lead the efforts to form a rival league.

Furthermore, their regulations regarding approval, control, and sanctions—given their capricious character—must be deemed as unwarranted limitations on the right to offer services.

“That does not imply that a project like the Super League competition has to be approved. The Court does not rule on that specific project in its judgment.”

In response to the verdict going in their favour, A22 Sports CEO Bernd Reichart claimed that football had now become “free” ahead of the aforementioned three clubs being expected to lead the efforts to form a rival league.

“We have won the right to compete,” he said. The UEFA monopoly has ended. Football is completely free. Clubs are now free of the threat of sanction and can plan their own futures.

“We propose free viewing of all Super League matches for fans.” Revenues and solidarity spending will be guaranteed for clubs.”

More recently, it was suggested that an ESL 2.0 would be formed, with as many as 80 teams participating in a variety of divisions.